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The Statement of the Spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy on the So-called Chinese Embassy’s Exploitation of Its Namibian Employees Falsely Claimed by Michael Amushelelo
2024-01-20 21:03

After consultation with our legal practitioners, we state the following points:

First, all the local employees of the Embassy are employed on the strength of valid and legal employment contracts which comply with the relevant laws of the Republic of Namibia.

Second, all the allegations made by Michael Amushelelo on the conditions of the local employees of the Embassy in terms of low pay, forced overtime work, no pay for overtime work, no compensation for injury at work, social security benefits, abusing conduct are totally false and pure fabrication.

Third, in addition to complying with the laws of the Republic of Namibia, the Embassy subscribes to the local standards of standard business practices as it relates to the provision of medical aid and pension benefits.

Fourth, the Embassy will continue to attach great importance to the welfare of its local employees and will solve any issue which may arise in accordance with the relevant law and regulations, as well as in the spirit of respecting and caring all our employees.

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